
Emotigun is a motor-powered, remote-controlled slingshot loaded with reaction emojis as its ammunition which can be found across all social media platforms. The concept aims to pose the question as to whether or not we would still long for constant recognition online if we received it physically.


Emotigun was created by Tadas Maksimovas and designed by Martijn Koomen. Youtube sensation Jorg Sprave produced the prototype, which formed the basis for the machine. Using his prototype, we were able to develop the fully functioning Emotigun.


Testing Emotigun

Once the gun was assembled, it was tested in a massive Creativity and Innovation Centre warehouse VGTU LinkMenu fabrikas. During the testing, Tadas took around 200 emoji hits to the face, which, incidentally enough, is the most “likes” he has ever received.


Behind the Scenes

A quick look at the behind scenes of the Emotigun video shoot. As you can see, it was a fun shoot for everyone involved, apart from maybe Tadas’ forehead.


Selected Publications

The Emotigun was featured by the Fast Company, Designboom, and Gizmodo Japan, among others. It was also exhibited at the Design Museum Holon in the States of Extremes exhibition.


The Pi Bike